النبي سليمان ودوره في مواجهة سحرة الفراعنة وعقيدتهم المنتشرة

The prophet Suleiman




كان تولي سليمان الحكم في بني اسرائيل امرا ضروريا ، لان مجتمعهم لم يعد تنفع فيه روحانية الانبياء كثيرا ، ولكن لما فتح بنو إسرائيل ممرات الارض امام العوالم الماورائية صار على سليمان ان يغلقها جميعا ، وفي نفس الوقت ان يبهر هذه العين المادية لبني اسرائيل .

جاء وصف التابوت في سفر الخروج من الإصحاح ٢٥ الى ٢٨ ، مع طقوس التعامل معه ، وهو صندوق مُحلَّى بالذهب من الداخل والخارج، يقف عليه ملاكان (كروبان) ناشرين أجنحتهما ، ويرمز الى الارتباط بالعرش الالهي ، الذي هو مصدر الفيض لما دونه من عوالم . كان بنو اسرائيل يحملون التابوت معهم في ترحالهم، على أن يقوم أعضاء من سبط اللاويين بحمله ، ثم وُضعت التوراة بجانب اللوحين ، ومن ثم فإنه يُسمَّى أحياناً «تابوت الشهادة» . وصار التابوت رمزاً للعهد مع الإله . لم يكن يُسمَح لأحد بأن يمس التابوت باعتباره محرماً ، وكان التابوت يحتوي على المن، وعصا هارون، ولوحى الشريعة أو العهد، ثم وُضع بجانبه كتاب التوراه، ولكنّ المن وعصا هارون كانتا قد اختفتا مع حكم سليمان .


ان القدرات الفيزيائية التي منحها الله لسليمان جعلته قادرا على معالجة الخلط بين الاكوان المتوازية للمخلوقات , وهو الخلط الذي اوجد الفوضى الوثنية والعملية في العالمين . كان على سليمان ان يتحرك في خطين متوازيين , الاول يقضي باغلاق المنافذ والابواب التي فتحها سحرة بني اسرائيل ومن قبلهم , عبر استخدام وسائل الملك العلمي الذي لسليمان , والثاني يقضي بايجاد مجتمع بديل عن بني اسرائيل لحمل الراية الايمانية , وكان المجتمع الاقوى ترشيحا عند سليمان هو مجتمع ( سبأ ) من العرب القحطانيين .

لقد فجّر سليمان ثورة معرفية , كانت لازمة لفتح اذهان الناس نحو الحقائق العلمية والطبيعة والخلق , تمهيدا لاقناع ذلك المجتمع المادي بان ( السحر ) ما هو الا تصرف بقوانين الكون .

«وتكلم (سليمان) بثلاثة آلاف مثَل، وكانت نشائده ألفاً وخمساً. وتكلم عن الأشجار من الأرز الذي في لبنان إلى الزوفا النابت في الحائط. وتكلم عن البهائم وعن الطير وعن الدبيب وعن السمك. وكانوا يأتون من جميع الشعوب ليسمعوا حكمة سليمان من جميع ملوك الأرض الذين سمعوا بحكمته». الملوك الأول .

ان الطلب الذي اراد سليمان اجابته من ربه في تلك الظروف والعوالم المعقدة كان : ( قَالَ رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَهَبْ لِي مُلْكًا لَا يَنْبَغِي لِأَحَدٍ مِنْ بَعْدِي إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْوَهَّابُ ) ، ( ملكا ) و ( لا ينبغي لاحد ) و ( دليل الهبة الالهية ) , لابد انه كان شيئا فريدا وعظيما , ومتناسبا مع طلب سليمان وظروف عالمه . ان الاهم يأتي كأول العطايا بالتأكيد , والاول (  فَسَخَّرْنَا لَهُ الرِّيحَ ) تجري بامر سليمان حيث أصاب , ثم يأتي بعدها في الاهمية ( تسخير الشياطين ) , وهي تلك المخلوقات ذات القدرات الكبيرة . فما هي حقيقة هذه ( الريح ) ؟ وما دورها واهميتها في وظيفة سليمان الكونية ؟ , انها بالتأكيد لم تكن من اجل تحريك ( بساطه السحري ) .


ان سليمان باخفائه لتلك الآلات التي تتفوق على قدرات الجن التقنية ختم مرحلة الفوضى والاختلاط بين العوالم على الارض . لكن ذلك لا يمنع ان تعود تلك الآلات للاستخدام في حالة عادت الفوضى والاختلاط بين العوالم : عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ( عليه السلام ) قَالَ (( كَانَتْ عَصَا مُوسَى لآِدَمَ ( عليه السلام ) فَصَارَتْ إِلَى شُعَيْبٍ ثُمَّ صَارَتْ إِلَى مُوسَى بْنِ عِمْرَانَ وَ إِنَّهَا لَعِنْدَنَا وَ إِنَّ عَهْدِي بِهَا آنِفاً وَ هِيَ خَضْرَاءُ كَهَيْئَتِهَا حِينَ انْتُزِعَتْ مِنْ شَجَرَتِهَا وَ إِنَّهَا لَتَنْطِقُ إِذَا اسْتُنْطِقَتْ أُعِدَّتْ لِقَائِمِنَا ( عليه السلام ) يَصْنَعُ بِهَا مَا كَانَ يَصْنَعُ مُوسَى وَ إِنَّهَا لَتَرُوعُ وَ تَلْقَفُ مَا يَأْفِكُونَ وَ تَصْنَعُ مَا تُؤْمَرُ بِهِ إِنَّهَا حَيْثُ أَقْبَلَتْ تَلْقَفُ مَا يَأْفِكُونَ يُفْتَحُ لَهَا شُعْبَتَانِ إِحْدَاهُمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَ الْأُخْرَى فِي السَّقْفِ وَ بَيْنَهُمَا أَرْبَعُونَ ذِرَاعاً تَلْقَفُ مَا يَأْفِكُونَ بِلِسَانِهَا )) . وعَنْ أَبِي حَمْزَةَ الثُّمَالِيِّ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ( عليه السلام ) قَالَ سَمِعْتُهُ يَقُولُ (( أَلْوَاحُ مُوسَى ( عليه السلام ) عِنْدَنَا وَ عَصَا مُوسَى عِنْدَنَا وَ نَحْنُ وَرَثَةُ النَّبِيِّينَ )) . وعَنْ أَبِي بَصِيرٍ عَنْ أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ ( عليه السلام ) قَالَ (( خَرَجَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ( عليه السلام ) ذَاتَ لَيْلَةٍ بَعْدَ عَتَمَةٍ وَ هُوَ يَقُولُ هَمْهَمَةً هَمْهَمَةً وَ لَيْلَةً مُظْلِمَةً خَرَجَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْإِمَامُ عَلَيْهِ قَمِيصُ آدَمَ وَ فِي يَدِهِ خَاتَمُ سُلَيْمَانَ وَ عَصَا مُوسَى ( عليه السلام ) ) . وعنه أيضاً عليه السلام: (( إذا قام القائم بمكة وأراد أن يتوجه إلى الكوفة نادي مناديه ألا لا يحمل أحد منكم طعاماً ولا شراباً، ويحمل حجر موسى بن عمران وهو وقر بعير، ولا ينزل منزلاً إلاّ انبعث عين منه فمن كان جائعاً شبع ومن كان ظمآن روي، فهو زادهم حتى نزلوا النجف من ظهر الكوفة )).

الواضح من الروايات ان للعصا و الحجر والتابوت الذي ربما يحويهم اهمية خاصة في الربط بين عوالم الخلق , وكذلك يمكن اعتبارها منظومات للسيطرة على بوابات العوالم , بل هي اعلى واسمى , حيث انها تعتمد في العمل على القوانين الكلية المحيطة بالخلق .

لكن على ما يبدو انّ كتبة التوراة المتأخرين من كهنة السنهدرين أرادوا تضييع جهود سليمان تلك ، وحاولوا أمرين ، الاول هو ربطه بمصر الفرعونية ، من خلال جعله زوجاً لابنة فرعون ، وربما بذلك يثبتون فضل الباطنية الفرعونية علوّ شأنها على ما لدى سليمان ، والثاني هو وصف مملكة سليمان بمبالغة مادية تتجاوز الواقع ، ولا تتناسب مع الحدث والجغرافيا التاريخية ، لطمس معالم الجهود العلمية ربما .

يقول ( ويلز ) في كتابه ( معالم تاريخ الانسانية ) : (( انّ قصة ملك سليمان وحكمته التي اوردها الكتاب المقدَّس تعرّضت لحشو وإضافات على نطاق واسع على يد كاتب متأخر كان مشغوفاً بالمبالغة في وصف رخاء عصر سليمان … )) .

لكن يبدو انّ الثأر المعنوي من سليمان على يد كهنة السنهدرين لم ينتهِ بهذه الصورة ، بل جعلوا منه وثنياً دنيوياً ، كما صوّرته نصوصهم المكتوبة . فيما يمكننا أنْ نرى انّ أعداء سليمان ( هدد ) ملك الادوميين و ( يربعام بن ناباط ) الاسرائيلي جميعهم التجأوا الى فرعون مصر ، وهو احد فراعنة الأسرتين الحادية والعشرين او الثانية والعشرين الليبية ، وبقوا هناك حتى وفاة سليمان النبي ، مما يثبت كذب تلك المصاهرة المدّعاة بينه وبين الفراعنة ، ويؤيد الفكرة التي ترى انّ الكهنة الذين كتبوا التوراة كانوا من الباطنيين الذين أرادوا إيجاد فضل ما للفرعونية . وكل ذلك واضح في سفر الملوك الاول من الكتاب المقدس .




Prophet Solomon and his role in confronting the magicians of the Pharaohs and their widespread belief

Solomon’s assumption of rule in the Israelites was necessary, because their society no longer benefited much from the spirituality of the prophets, but when the children of Israel opened the corridors of the earth to the metaphysical worlds, Solomon had to close them all, and at the same time to dazzle this material eye for the children of Israel .

The description of the ark came in the Book of Exodus from chapters 25 to 28, with the rituals of dealing with it, and it is a chest decorated with gold inside and out, on which two angels ( cherubim ) stand, spreading their wings, and symbolizes the connection with the divine throne, which is the source of the abundance of the worlds below. The children of Israel used to carry the ark with them on their travels, on the condition that members of the tribe of Levites carry it, then the Torah was placed next to the tablets, and therefore it is sometimes called “the ark of martyrdom”. The ark became a symbol of the covenant with God. No one was allowed to touch the ark as it was forbidden, and the ark contained manna, Aaron’s staff, and the tablets of Sharia or covenant, and then placed next to it the Torah book , but the manna and Aaron’s staff had disappeared with the rule of Solomon.

The physical abilities granted by God to Solomon made him able to treat the confusion between the parallel universes of creatures, a confusion that created pagan and practical chaos in the two worlds. Solomon had to move in two parallel lines , the first to close the ports and doors opened by the sorcerers of the Children of Israel and before them, by using the means of the scientific king of Solomon, and the second to find an alternative society for the children of Israel to carry the banner of faith, and the most powerful society nominated by Solomon was a society (Saba) from the Qahtani Arabs .

Solomon triggered an epistemological revolution , which was necessary to open people’s minds towards scientific facts, nature and creation, in preparation for convincing that materialistic society that (magic) is nothing but a disposition of the laws of the universe. .

«Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. He spoke of the trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows in the wall. He spoke of beasts, of birds, of bears, and of fish. And they came from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.” first kings .

The request that Solomon wanted to answer from his Lord in those complicated circumstances and worlds was: (He said, “My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom that is not beholden to anyone after me, that you are the God, there is no God.”) It was something unique and great, and in proportion to Solomon’s request and the circumstances of his world. The most important one certainly comes as the first of the gifts , and the first (we subjected the wind to him) takes place by the order of Solomon where he was injured, and then comes after it in importance (the harnessing of demons), which are those creatures with great abilities. What is the reality of this (the wind )? What is its role and importance in Solomon’s cosmic function ? It certainly wasn’t for the sake of moving (its magic simplicity).

Solomon, by concealing those machines that surpass the technical abilities of the jinn, sealed the phase of chaos and mixing between worlds on earth. But that does not prevent the return of those machines for use in the case of returned chaos and mixing between the worlds: Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) said ((The stick of Moses to Adam (peace be upon him) became to Shoaib and then came to Moses , son of Imran , and it is for us , and that my covenant the above and are green Khaitha when extracted from her tree , and it is to pronounce if questioned prepared for Qaimna (peace be upon him) made by what was made of Moses and it is to intimidate and grabbed what Aovkon and make what commanded him that she where she came back grabbed what Aovkon opens its two divisions , one in the earth and the other in the roof, and between them there are forty cubits that catch what they say with their tongue)). And on the authority of Abu Hamza al – Thumali, on the authority of Abu Abd Allah ( peace be upon him ), who said: I heard him say ((The Tablets of Moses (peace be upon him))) upon us. And Abu Basir from Abu Jafar (the peace) said ((out Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) one night after the darkness , and he says hum hum and dark night came upon Imam him shirt Adam and in the hand of Solomon ring and stick of Moses (peace be upon him) And also from him, peace be upon him: ((If the Qaim rises in Mecca and wants to go to Kufa, his caller calls out to him that none of you carries food or drink, and carries the stone of Musa bin Imran while it is a camel’s dung, and does not descend a house except that an eye is emitted from it. His thirst was quenched, and he provided for them until they came down to Najaf from the back of Kufa )).

It is clear from the narrations that the stick, the stone, and the coffin that may contain them have a special importance in linking the worlds of creation, as well as they can be considered systems to control the gates of the worlds, but they are higher and higher, as they depend in work on the universal laws surrounding creation .

But it seems that the late writers of the Torah from the priests of the Sanhedrin wanted to waste these efforts of Solomon , and they tried two things, the first is to link him to Pharaonic Egypt, by making him the husband of the daughter of Pharaoh, and perhaps thus prove the virtue of Pharaonic esotericism superior to what Solomon had, and the second is to describe the kingdom Suleiman with a material exaggeration that goes beyond reality, and is not commensurate with the event and historical geography, to obliterate the features of scientific efforts, perhaps .

Wells says in his book (The Landmarks of the History of Humanity): ((The story of King Solomon and his wisdom mentioned in the Bible was extensively filled and added by a late writer who was passionate about exaggerating the description of the prosperity of Solomon’s era…)) .

But it seems that the moral revenge of Solomon at the hands of the Sanhedrin priests did not end in this way, but rather made him a worldly pagan, as their written texts depicted him. As we can see that the enemies of Solomon (threatened ) the king of Edom and ( Jeroboam , son of Nabat ) Israel all took refuge to the Pharaoh of Egypt, one of the Pharaohs Dynasties twenty – first or twenty – second Libyan, and stayed there until the death of Solomon the prophet, proving a lie that intermarriage claimed him And between the pharaohs, and supports the idea that the priests who wrote the Torah were among the esoteric who wanted to find the merit of the pharaohs. All of this is clear in the first book of Kings of the Bible .

Note: Machine translation may be inaccurate



Prophet Solomon and his role in confronting the magicians of the Pharaohs and their widespread belief

Solomon’s assumption of rule in the Israelites was necessary, because their society no longer benefited much from the spirituality of the prophets, but when the children of Israel opened the corridors of the earth to the metaphysical worlds, Solomon had to close them all, and a

t the same time to dazzle this material eye for the children of Israel .

The description of the ark came in the Book of Exodus from chapters 25 to 28, with the rituals of dealing with it, and it is a chest decorated with gold inside and out, on which two angels ( cherubim ) stand, spreading their wings, and symbolizes the connection with the divine throne, which is the source of the abundance of the worlds below. The children of Israel used to carry the ark with them on their travels, on the condition that members of the tribe of Levites carry it, then the Torah was placed next to the tablets, and therefore it is sometimes called “the ark of martyrdom”. The ark became a symbol of the covenant with God. No one was allowed to touch the ark as it was forbidden, and the ark contained manna, Aaron’s staff, and the tablets of Sharia or covenant, and then placed next to it the Torah book , but the manna and Aaron’s staff had disappeared with the rule of Solomon.

The physical abilities granted by God to Solomon made him able to treat the confusion between the parallel universes of creatures, a confusion that created pagan and practical chaos in the two worlds. Solomon had to move in two parallel lines , the first to close the ports and doors opened by the sorcerers of the Children of Israel and before them, by using the means of the scientific king of Solomon, and the second to find an alternative society for the children of Israel to carry the banner of faith, and the most powerful society nominated by Solomon was a society (Saba) from the Qahtani Arabs .

Solomon triggered an epistemological revolution , which was necessary to open people’s minds towards scientific facts, nature and creation, in preparation for convincing that materialistic society that (magic) is nothing but a disposition of the laws of the universe. .

«Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. He spoke of the trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows in the wall. He spoke of beasts, of birds, of bears, and of fish. And they came from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.” first kings .

The request that Solomon wanted to answer from his Lord in those complicated circumstances and worlds was: (He said, “My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom that is not beholden to anyone after me, that you are the God, there is no God.”) It was something unique and great, and in proportion to Solomon’s request and the circumstances of his world. The most important one certainly comes as the first of the gifts , and the first (we subjected the wind to him) takes place by the order of Solomon where he was injured, and then comes after it in importance (the harnessing of demons), which are those creatures with great abilities. What is the reality of this (the wind )? What is its role and importance in Solomon’s cosmic function ? It certainly wasn’t for the sake of moving (its magic simplicity).


Solomon, by concealing those machines that surpass the technical abilities of the jinn, sealed the phase of chaos and mixing between worlds on earth. But that does not prevent the return of those machines for use in the case of returned chaos and mixing between the worlds: Abu Jafar (peace be upon him) said ((The stick of Moses to Adam (peace be upon him) became to Shoaib and then came to Moses , son of Imran , and it is for us , and that my covenant the above and are green Khaitha when extracted from her tree , and it is to pronounce if questioned prepared for Qaimna (peace be upon him) made by what was made of Moses and it is to intimidate and grabbed what Aovkon and make what commanded him that she where she came back grabbed what Aovkon opens its two divisions , one in the earth and the other in the roof, and between them there are forty cubits that catch what they say with their tongue)). And on the authority of Abu Hamza al – Thumali, on the authority of Abu Abd Allah ( peace be upon him ), who said: I heard him say ((The Tablets of Moses (peace be upon him))) upon us. And Abu Basir from Abu Jafar (the peace) said ((out Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) one night after the darkness , and he says hum hum and dark night came upon Imam him shirt Adam and in the hand of Solomon ring and stick of Moses (peace be upon him) And also from him, peace be upon him: ((If the Qaim rises in Mecca and wants to go to Kufa, his caller calls out to him that none of you carries food or drink, and carries the stone of Musa bin Imran while it is a camel’s dung, and does not descend a house except that an eye is emitted from it. His thirst was quenched, and he provided for them until they came down to Najaf from the back of Kufa )).

It is clear from the narrations that the stick, the stone, and the coffin that may contain them have a special importance in linking the worlds of creation, as well as they can be considered systems to control the gates of the worlds, but they are higher and higher, as they depend in work on the universal laws surrounding creation .

But it seems that the late writers of the Torah from the priests of the Sanhedrin wanted to waste these efforts of Solomon , and they tried two things, the first is to link him to Pharaonic Egypt, by making him the husband of the daughter of Pharaoh, and perhaps thus prove the virtue of Pharaonic esotericism superior to what Solomon had, and the second is to describe the kingdom Suleiman with a material exaggeration that goes beyond reality, and is not commensurate with the event and historical geography, to obliterate the features of scientific efforts, perhaps .

Wells says in his book (The Landmarks of the History of Humanity): ((The story of King Solomon and his wisdom mentioned in the Bible was extensively filled and added by a late writer who was passionate about exaggerating the description of the prosperity of Solomon’s era…)) .

But it seems that the moral revenge of Solomon at the hands of the Sanhedrin priests did not end in this way, but rather made him a worldly pagan, as their written texts depicted him. As we can see that the enemies of Solomon (threatened ) the king of Edom and ( Jeroboam , son of Nabat ) Israel all took refuge to the Pharaoh of Egypt, one of the Pharaohs Dynasties twenty – first or twenty – second Libyan, and stayed there until the death of Solomon the prophet, proving a lie that intermarriage claimed him And between the pharaohs, and supports the idea that the priests who wrote the Torah were among the esoteric who wanted to find the merit of the pharaohs. All of this is clear in the first book of Kings of the Bible .

Remarque : La traduction automatique peut être inexacte


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